Corruption, Unemployment, Pollution, ..........
We are dealing with so many problems all around. We can not do anything to solve these problems because we think we are alone and helpless. We are helpless because we don’t know what to do. Now question is what we can do even if we are alone, we have no political or administrative power. My blog is to answer this question.
Question: How we can serve and improve the society and nation?
Answer is simple: Biggest service to the world is Self Improvement
India is facing below TWO root problems which are mother of all other problems.
If we can Control below two problems, most of other problems will get solved.
1. Corruption
2. Illiteracy (Uneducated People)
1. Population control: Control your family. NSV is the permanent, cheapest, safest and best way for it. Also inspire and educate your friends, other family members, relatives and neighbors and colleague to adopt NSV after one or two kids maximum. More information on
2. Education for all: Find out any one near you who is illiterate. Encourage and teach them how to read and write.
3. Eye donation: Fill the form for eye donation. After death there will be no use of those precious eyes for you. So donate them to needy persons after your death. Also encourage others to do so. Also we can call 1919 to eye bank helpline for details.
4. Tree plantation: Plant trees near your house or the park or vacant space near your house or any such place and regularly water them and take care of them.
5. Moral education: Provide your kids all good morel education; Make them civilized and responsible citizen. Teach them to obey rules and respect elders. Like (to obey queue, traffic rules, give seat to old people while traveling, …….. )
6. Avoid wastage of water, electricity, resources, time, FOOD: All kind of wastage in your house and office like electricity and water wastage should be stopped. Respect the food and don’t waste it. Change all leaking water taps.
7. Anti corruption: Don’t support corruption. Report against them to anti corruption beuro . for example -
A) State Vigilance Bureau, Haryana toll free number is 1800-180-2022. More information on
B) Report any electricity theft. for example (for Haryana Toll Free number is 1800-180-1011)
8. Use no polythene: while going for shopping take an empty bag with you. Ask the shopkeeper not to give polythene bag unnecessarily.
9. No smoking, No drinking, No gambling: Don’t smoke especially in public. Also don’t get indulge in bad habits of drinking and gambling and drugs.
10. Protest terrorism: Be alert for any suspicious person in your area, report about any abandoned bags, toys etc near any public place. All India Toll Free Anti Terrorist Help-line is 1090.
11. Donate only at useful places: in schools, hospitals, orphanage homes, old age homes instead of spending in KAAJ (party after ones death), birthday, marriage, Crackers on Diwali.
12. Show courage: To protest who break the rules like traffic rules, queue, littering, damaging public property
13. Spread TB (Dots), Pulse polio immunization awareness: Give the polio drops to every child in your home and area. Use the free TB (Dots) facility if some one is suffering from TB near you. Educate people about these free services from government.
14. Spread Global Warming awareness, causes and effect: Example- avoid pollution of water, land, noise and air.
15. Disaster management: Get trained yourself and family members to protect from emergency situation like earthquake, fire, rampage or any bomb blast.
16. First AID: Get the First Aid training to help anyone in emergency situation.
17. Yoga: Practice yoga daily and keep yourself healthy and fit. Keeping yourself healthy is like serving country
18. Blood donation: Donate one unit of blood after every three month if doctor allows.
19. Cleanness: Keep your house and surroundings clean.
20. Consumer awareness: Be aware of consumer rights and spread consumer awareness. More information on जागो ग्राहक जागो
21. Public Property: Do not misuse or destroy public property in any case. It is our own property.
22. Right to vote: This is very strong tool for a common man. Give your vote to the most honest, educated, bold representative who works for public welfare.
23. Right to Information: Use the powerful tool of Right to Information ( RTI) to ask questions from government. More information on
Also inspire your friends, other family members, relatives and neighbors and collogue about the above things. Educating other people about the same is equally important
Your suggestions and comments are invited.
Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us.
- Jerry Garcia
Document Last updated on 5 July 2010 by

I am really inspired by Raviender's Geeta.... It is very effective when a man would be in depression; it would give as much of relax in depression as a glass of Glucon D give energy in summer.
ReplyDeleteJai Bharat
ReplyDeleteHardik shubhkamnaye
This is very motivative and useful blog for all of Bhartiya.
Thank you
Anil Gaikwad
Something any more on that theme has incurred me.
ReplyDeleteindian black money in swiss banks
ReplyDeleteThis is some data given by an organisation called Tax justice network.Thesefigures were given in trillions of dollarsconverted to lakh crores for your convenience:Total black money of all the countries in the world --516 lakh croreTotal black money of Indians in Swiss Banks- ---------100 lakh croreTotal black money of Indians in other tax haven countries(60countries)------------------------------------------- 158 lakh croreTotal black money of Indians outside india (100+158)--258 lakh croreTotal black money of Indians circulating within India--50 lakh croreTotal black money within India and abroad(258+50)-----308 lakh croreIf this is approximated to 300 lakh crore and distributed among 600 districtsin India (there are 600 districts in India)then each district will get 50,000 crore. Just imagine what all can be done withthis huge amount?Its a shame that out of 516 lakh crore total black money of all the countriesput together, half of it belangs to Indians.Wha says India is poor? It has been made poor by these corrupt politicians,babus and industrialists. The nobel prize forcorruption should go to India.Now lets see how this black money can be brought back to India. It is estimatedthat about 25000 people go to switzerland very frequently ie every 3 months orsix months. The list of these black sheeps can be prepared by seeing theirpassports on which visa stamps of the countries they visit would be present. Thelist of these people can be verified with swiss banks who are ready to divulgethe details of accounts of particular people named specifically.Now lets compare the GDPs of various countries to see what drastic change thisblack money can bring in our GDP.GDP of USA------------------619 lakh croreJapan -----------------------200 lakh croreGDP of germany--------------149 lakh croreGDP of Russia----------------128 lakh croreGDP of france ---------------116 lakh croreCanada -----------------------69 lakh crreAustralia---------------------37 lakh croreIndia--------------------------55 lakh croreIf 308 lakh crore black money is brought home and added to our GDP of 55 lakhcrore our new GDP would become (308+55)ie 363 lakh crore ie we will become No 2 after USA interms of GDP. Also if sucha huge amount of money is available with usour growth rate can easily touch 20% instead of the 6% at present. There wouldbe no taxes required to be paid by thecitizens of country for at least 15 years. This also means 20% of 300 lakh crorewill get incremented every year in our GDPie 60 lakh crore increment every year. With this rate we will overtake USA in 5years. Seems like shiekhchilli daydreaming?Well thats what politicians have done to our thought process. We cant even pityourselves.Now the question is from where have these thugs generated such huge amount ofmoney. The answer is they are literally selling the country.All the natural resources of the country are given on lease fo 99 years,..........50 years etc . The lease is for 1 rupee onpaper but thousands of crores exchage hands under the table. These include coalmines, iron ore mines, precious stone mines,other metal mines. Now they are even selling the rivers of the country ie allrights of a particular river would be given toa particular MNC. Huge timber reserves are sold off at throw away prices tocontra
indian black money in swiss banks
ReplyDeleteThis is some data given by an organisation called Tax justice network.Thesefigures were given in trillions of dollarsconverted to lakh crores for your convenience:Total black money of all the countries in the world --516 lakh croreTotal black money of Indians in Swiss Banks- ---------100 lakh croreTotal black money of Indians in other tax haven countries(60countries)------------------------------------------- 158 lakh croreTotal black money of Indians outside india (100+158)--258 lakh croreTotal black money of Indians circulating within India--50 lakh croreTotal black money within India and abroad(258+50)-----308 lakh croreIf this is approximated to 300 lakh crore and distributed among 600 districtsin India (there are 600 districts in India)then each district will get 50,000 crore. Just imagine what all can be done withthis huge amount?Its a shame that out of 516 lakh crore total black money of all the countriesput together, half of it belangs to Indians.Wha says India is poor? It has been made poor by these corrupt politicians,babus and industrialists. The nobel prize forcorruption should go to India.Now lets see how this black money can be brought back to India. It is estimatedthat about 25000 people go to switzerland very frequently ie every 3 months orsix months. The list of these black sheeps can be prepared by seeing theirpassports on which visa stamps of the countries they visit would be present. Thelist of these people can be verified with swiss banks who are ready to divulgethe details of accounts of particular people named specifically.Now lets compare the GDPs of various countries to see what drastic change thisblack money can bring in our GDP.GDP of USA------------------619 lakh croreJapan -----------------------200 lakh croreGDP of germany--------------149 lakh croreGDP of Russia----------------128 lakh croreGDP of france ---------------116 lakh croreCanada -----------------------69 lakh crreAustralia---------------------37 lakh croreIndia--------------------------55 lakh croreIf 308 lakh crore black money is brought home and added to our GDP of 55 lakhcrore our new GDP would become (308+55)ie 363 lakh crore ie we will become No 2 after USA interms of GDP. Also if sucha huge amount of money is available with usour growth rate can easily touch 20% instead of the 6% at present. There wouldbe no taxes required to be paid by thecitizens of country for at least 15 years. This also means 20% of 300 lakh crorewill get incremented every year in our GDPie 60 lakh crore increment every